Friday, November 7, 2014

Final Comments

I think that the university English program is far more interactive and entertaining than the teaching methods of my school, and I’m sure that is the same situation in most of the Chilean schools. When I was in school classes were so boring, that many of my classmates now hate the English language… I think I’m saying the same than the last semester XD. Anyway, maybe the Chilean education system should make some reforms in the government English program for schools, I think it will help a lot.
Blogs are a very interactive and creative way to promote the use of English in students, personally I enjoyed writing stuff and reading other people stuff to comment on their blogs. Plus the use of English, you can share some opinions with your classmates and you can know more about how facso’s students think about many topics, so you can make a general idea about it.
I think that I need a lot of practice to improve my spoken English, sometimes I’m able to understand very quickly, but I can’t answer that fast. So I think I need to practice my spoken English with other people. Normally I use English to put captions in some social networks like photography platforms that I like, reading books that I want to read in its original language or when I can’t find the Spanish subtitles for some series or movies, reading papers for university assessments, I don’t know, to understand the music that I listen to and many many other things.

See you around, I can’t say in the next English course but anyway. I hope you all have success in the end of this semester!!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

My year: 2014

Let’s say that this definitely is not my year. It hasn’t been bad, but it hasn’t  been good neither. I might sound a bit negative, but the truth is that this is a year of nothing, I could say that is very alike with last year. Maybe I could mention some positive stuff from this year:
My vacations were fabulous, the most amazing holidays till now.
This year I’ve had a lot of time to sharing with my friends, I don’t know why, maybe this year the academic load has been more light than the other years. Anyway, this is very important to me J
My grades have been fine till now, I hope I can keep that pace to finish this semester.
I have realized of a lot of things, so this has been my year to make some important decisions that would probably determine what I’m going to do next year.
I finally found a camera (not a digital one) at a reasonable price, I’m starting to make some photos and learning about this beautiful hobby.
I like old-fashioned stuff and this year I bought a second handed sewing machine, my purpose is to make my own clothes or adjust  old pieces of clothing. I must read the manual and watch some youtube tutorials yet, but I’m working on it.
I’ve watched a lot of movies this year too, and that’s important to me because I’m mad about movies, so this year has been enriching in this area. Even more, I’m lucky to say that I have tickets to watch “A Clockwork Orange” and “Pulp Fiction” in HD the next month :D Sadly I couldn’t get the tickets to “Taxi driver”, they were sold out.
And a lot of little things that make me very happy, like doing hiking, being with my family or cycling on Sundays.

This is a resume of the positive things in my year, and I’m able to say that it has been a regular year. What about yours? ;)

Friday, October 17, 2014

A great Hobby

When I was in school I used to play violoncello, and it was more than a hobby, it changed my life, I'm serious. Since I was in 6th grade in primary school I wanted to join the school's orchestra, so I went to the audition and I started to receive my cello lessons, three times at the week after classes and one practice with all the orchestra. If you stay at school after classes voluntarily you really have to love it, even my parents didn't wanted it because I arrived home late and I was only 11 years old and nobody could carry me home, so I had to wait for my dad to picked me up till 8-9 pm sometimes!!! I did this hobby till the third year of high school because the school "didn't have more funds" to keep on with the orchestra (wich was an absolute lie, of course). I retaked it the last semester here in a course of FACSO, but as I'm a part-time worker, didn't had enough time for studying.
This really marked my life, I had many beautiful experiences with this, because we traveled a lot and we were always meeting people from other orchestras from different parts of the country.
I think that hobbies are very important in a person's life, they tell you about them, how they are, what they like and many other things, some times they form your character through habits. When I was a child I used to be very disperse and hyperactive, so this practice formed me as a very orderly person, responsible and patient.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How green I am

First of all, I don’t think that smoking is that much contaminating, I think that there are a lot of other sources that contaminate more crudely in the presence of all.
Well, a few months ago my mom and I decided to recycle because we have a recycling park near the house. I made 4 mini containers to separate the waste and make it easier but you know, there are always people who doesn’t follow the rules, so my sister insisted in leaving her waste all around the house, especially in the kitchen because she was too lazy to go out and leave it in the right container, so this initiative failed because my mom complained about the mess in the house and one day she yelled at us: WE ARE NOT RECYCLING IN THIS HOUSE ANYMORE BECAUSE IT’S BECOMING A GARBAGE DUMP!!! And she was right. I don’t know maybe when my sister moves to her own place we can start recycling again :/
Inspite of that, I try to be the most concious about this matter, because I really care. At home, we are always trying to save water, electricity and fuel, we all use public transportation or bicycle, and if you’re very aware you can do a lot of small things to help on this, like using an ecobottle of water instead of buying plastic ones or bringing your own flask of coffee/tea instead of buying disposable cups and, cut the water when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your hair and so on.
I joined Greenpeace too, years ago but I had to get out because of personal reasons. And I don’t know, I felt like I was doing nothing anyway.
I think that Chile is a POORLY developed country in what environmental public policies means and I feel very ashamed of it, I learned a lot about this in a forum that I went to in the INAP faculty in June, here I left you the link: If you have the time you should watch it because it’s reaaally interesting and informative. By the way, this guys from INAP are light years away from us in this topic!!! ;)
 We have to consider our condition of south american country, we are being treated as a global dump and there are not regulations to stop those malevolent practices, not even taxes to this people that ruin our environment, and we must stand up against that!!! Be informed, care about it and move your ass for it xD

See you, guys 

Friday, October 3, 2014

What would my Friday be without the English class in the afternoon?

I have maaany possible answers for this. As my classes finish at 12 pm on Fridays, I would probably go home to have lunch, take a nap and study if it’s necessary, but yeah, that sounds a little fake, perhaps in rainy days I would do that...

The other invented scene is “me working”, and that’s true because it happened last year, and it WILL NOT happen again (it was taking my life and my youth away).
In other case, I would meet or go to visit some friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. Sometimes I have meetings with my old friends of school on Fridays

I could go out for a drink with my boyfriend too, but that isn’t possible because he has classes till 11 pm on Friday nights!!! And here I’m crying because I have classes till 6 pm.

Maybe I could go to watch a movie in the cinema, but you know there are not always good movie listings. I think it’s better to buy some interesting movie in the facso’s bridge and watch it at home with a bowl of homemade popcorn, and it’s cheaper of course

Or I could take my mom out for some ice cream or having dinner. Or just take “once” with she.

Another option and the most accurate in this case, is that I probably have lunch here, study a little bit and then I would stay here having fun.

Friday, September 26, 2014

My future job

I’d like to say that I love my career and it’s all I ever wanted but sadly that’s not true. In fact, I like STUDYING this career (or maybe any other career) but I’m not sure if I want to work as a psychologist because I don’t really like any of the working areas of this career. Actually, since I’m here I don’t believe in higher education and I’m very unhappy living in this society (or maybe this country), but that’s another story.
The truth is that I want to be something like a nomad, I want to travel around the world and staying in different countries or cities here in Chile for a couple of years, and you know the difficulties of getting job as a psychologist in other locations, because of the differences in culture. I have no problem in working in anything meanwhile, preferentially of course, I’d like to work in an area related with human relationships. I’ve been working as a waitress currently, and I’m able to say that I like being in contact with people, and knowing other life stories. And when I finally find the country or the place where I want to stay, maybe I’ll put my own restaurant or coffee, or something like that, I don’t know and I don’t really care at this moment hahah.
I know that everything that I’m saying now sounds crazy, but I’m here studying a career because I made a promise to a very important person in my life to get a professional degree, and now I’m achieving it. But as soon as I finish this project, I’ll leave this ugly city xD or maybe not. One never knows :(

Friday, September 5, 2014

BEST CONCERT EVER: Maquinaria Festival 2011

A couple of years ago, in 2011, I went to Maquinaria Festival at the Club Hípico in Santiago. It wasn't my idea to go that time, because the tickets were so expensive and I didn't have money to pay for them. But Suddenly, a friend asked me if I wanted to go, and I answered: OF COURSE I WANNA GO MAN, I WANT TO SEE FAITH NO MORE, BUT I DON'T HAVE MONEY!!!. Here is when the miracle happens: This friend of mine had an option to enter without paying any money, as a volunteer of a recycling campaign.We only had to put ourselves on some silly clothes to enter. Here, have a photo of ridiculous me...

Anyway, they gave us armbands so we could go out and enter to the place without being registered by the authorities there, so we went buying some beers and drinks... well, a lot of them hahaha. We had a really good time, we talked to people from other cities and the most important part of all this was the concert: WAS SIMPLY INCREDIBLE. We saw Megadeth, FNM, Alice in Chains, Down, and many others bands. They were marvelous, the 2 stages were properly conditioned and the sound was great too. And all this for free :D
Definitely, this one was the most amazing concert I went to, and I have been in many amazing concerts, but for the circumstances, this was specially amazing