Friday, October 10, 2014

How green I am

First of all, I don’t think that smoking is that much contaminating, I think that there are a lot of other sources that contaminate more crudely in the presence of all.
Well, a few months ago my mom and I decided to recycle because we have a recycling park near the house. I made 4 mini containers to separate the waste and make it easier but you know, there are always people who doesn’t follow the rules, so my sister insisted in leaving her waste all around the house, especially in the kitchen because she was too lazy to go out and leave it in the right container, so this initiative failed because my mom complained about the mess in the house and one day she yelled at us: WE ARE NOT RECYCLING IN THIS HOUSE ANYMORE BECAUSE IT’S BECOMING A GARBAGE DUMP!!! And she was right. I don’t know maybe when my sister moves to her own place we can start recycling again :/
Inspite of that, I try to be the most concious about this matter, because I really care. At home, we are always trying to save water, electricity and fuel, we all use public transportation or bicycle, and if you’re very aware you can do a lot of small things to help on this, like using an ecobottle of water instead of buying plastic ones or bringing your own flask of coffee/tea instead of buying disposable cups and, cut the water when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your hair and so on.
I joined Greenpeace too, years ago but I had to get out because of personal reasons. And I don’t know, I felt like I was doing nothing anyway.
I think that Chile is a POORLY developed country in what environmental public policies means and I feel very ashamed of it, I learned a lot about this in a forum that I went to in the INAP faculty in June, here I left you the link: If you have the time you should watch it because it’s reaaally interesting and informative. By the way, this guys from INAP are light years away from us in this topic!!! ;)
 We have to consider our condition of south american country, we are being treated as a global dump and there are not regulations to stop those malevolent practices, not even taxes to this people that ruin our environment, and we must stand up against that!!! Be informed, care about it and move your ass for it xD

See you, guys 


  1. I don't like greenpeace, is better that each house and each people can to help to the environment

  2. It was difficult to recycle for your sister, lamentable.
    Thx for the video, i'll watch it (i hope to remind it) :S

  3. Thanks by the video.
    yes, the best attitude is move the ass for the future world jaja.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I hope you can recycle again at home and thanks for the video, I'll watch it....
