Sunday, May 25, 2014

Plaza Jalisco

Hi everyone! Today I'll tell you about a restaurant that I love, it's called Plaza Jalisco and is located in La Florida, in the Enrique Olivares street, near the Bicentenario Stadium. I've been watching breaking bad lately with my boyfriend so we started to crave on mexican food (if you watch this series you'll understand why) and found this place on internet, because the only place where we eaten mexican food before was on Taco Bell and you know that place can throw down your expectatives :(
So we went to this marvelous place, Plaza Jalisco, very famous in the county and I definitely loved it. The food was simply great, I ate burritos and tacos and they were delicious and spicy. The atmosphere was very nice and homelike, they put mexican music all the time and the waiters gave us a perfect atention. When I told to a friend about this, she told me that she knew the place and she went with her family long time ago, she had the same impression as me, the place is simply great.
In brief, I recomend you this place if you wanna try REAL mexican food and have a good time.
See you soon.

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