Normally I do not use blog, I used to have one to publish short stories that I wrote, but that was in 2010 and now I don't have time to do it, so I was out of practice. And of course I used to write in spanish. I think that this working methodology is a very good alternative in our times, considering that people is always using computers or cellphones, and even more when we are in an era where the social networks are part of our lives. I found pretty interactive to work with this type of websites, because you publish your entry in english, so you have to think in english (it is difficult at first but then it becomes easy) and then you have to read your classmates entries, in english too, to comment on their blogs. I like to read other people's opinion or experiences about a topic and comment about them :) I think that my writing skills have improved widely, because normally we don't write in english, we are more used to lisen it or read it. In the traditional way, I mean like in school with completing sentences, and all that stuff you don't develop this skill. Maybe this kind of methodology should be introduced in schools, to make the classes more entertaining for children, and avoid a bad experience with this language. The most of the people that I know who hates english it is because they found boring the subject at school.
I don't know, I think that the topics were quite diverse but I think that we shouldn't talk about career related topics hahah I know that maybe is part of the course program, but I found it boring, because we are the entire week studying and learning things about our careers and sometimes is exhausting.